Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

The kids both got their cute little Valentine's buckets and were super excited about them. Rayden (decked out in her Dorothy dress-up outfit) loved her chocolate apple and Parker got super excited about his stuff too. They were so cute.
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Valentine's Day

Rayden loved her worms that were in her chocolate apple and Parker loved his little Mini M&M's. Both of the kids got a little toy....Rayden got Darby from the show Tigger and Pooh and Parker got Winnie the Pooh. Parker does not usually care for stuffed animals but he just loves loves loves his little Pooh bear. He kept giving him kisses and is still carrying him around. Rayden loves her little Darby doll too. She keeps trying to trade with Parker but he will throw Darby on the floor and steal Pooh back! Valentine's Day was fun with the kids.
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Making Pink Treats

Rayden and I made pink heart shaped Rice Krispie treats for Valentine's Day. She had fun making them, especially squeezing in the red food coloring. She always loves helping out in the kitchen and this day was no exception. She helped in every step of the process and was very proud of the end result, she said they were cute and yummy!

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Fun At The Mall

The other day at the mall the kids got to take a couple rides on the ride on toys there. This was the first time that Parker has been on one and he seemed to enjoy it. Rayden rode in a new green car that they have there that has an actual racing screen on it. The car tips side to side instead of going up and down and this scared Rayden, she thought she was going to fall out. She started crying so we got her out of it and popped Parke in since it was still going...he cried too! So Ray decided just to go in the pink one that sings nursery rhymes and Parker fit in too, this ride was just fine and they both had fun.
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A Night Out

Rayden and I went out for a girls night out with some of my friends and their kids. We went to on of my favorite places, Shoji's! They cook your yummy food in front of you and put on a little show. Rayden had a great time on our special night out. She got to use chopsticks, which she was super good at. Her favorite part was of course all of the fire when the guy made an onion volcano.....the kids always like the fire the best! She also liked it when he cracked the egg down the spatula and said it was a slide. This guy was actually a little boring....nothing like it usually is but the kids never seemed to care. The food and company was good so we all had a great time.
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Just Having Fun

Rayden and Parker have been having such a great time playing together lately. It is so nice that he is getting big enough to play with her. On this day they were playing with the Laugh and Learn Learning Home and they were having tons of fun, just laughing and playing peek-a-boo and having a good time.
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Passed Out

We got home the other night past Parker's bed time and he was super tired. My blanket had been laying on the coffee table folded up and he was laying his head on it whining. He then pushed my blanket onto the floor, laid down on it and went right to sleep. He just passed out right there and probably would have stayed there all night.
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Parker is definitely a climber...he will climb on anything he can and use anything he can find to help him up onto thing, and this includes Daddy. Jeff was sitting on the couch and Parker decided he was going to use Daddy's legs to help him get up onto the coffee table. He climbed up Jeff's legs until he could reach the table and then climbed right up! Rayden was never a climber.....must be a boy thing!
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Hugs and Loves

Parker decided that he really really likes baby dolls....well at least bald ones! He stole sissy's baby and was just hugging and kissing it (the one with purple and pink on.) Rayden did not want him to have this baby so she brought him another one, this one a bit bigger and he had some problems with it but loved it just the same. It was so cute. We saw that Cabela's sells a little boy baby doll that has camo clothes on but it is a bit pricey....who knows maybe for Christmas if he still likes babies then.
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More Climbing

So he climbs on the coffee table and he climbs onto the trampoline too. At first he was just climbing on the trampoline to get into things on the end table, but then he started getting up there all of the time. This would not be a problem if he would learn how to get down......well learn how to get down right anyways. He did not know how to get off the trampoline so he would just fall off, usually head first. After about a week of falling and tears he has finally learned his lesson and does not get up there anymore :)
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