Daddy and Rayden carved pumpkins on Monday night. Rayden picked out the designs she wanted to help with, then they started the process of gutting out the pumpkins. Last year she wouldn't even touch the pumpkin guts, this year was a bit different. She first touched them with her hand and promptly pulled her hand away and said "ewwwwww!" She let daddy have at it for awhile, then decided she could do it with a spoon just fine. She kept touching it and would just say "sliiiiimy." She helped Daddy carve her pumpkin for a little while but soon got bored and walked away, leaving Jeff to gut and carve the others by himself. So this year went a little better, maybe next year she will be gung ho....we'll see.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pumpkin Carving
Daddy and Rayden carved pumpkins on Monday night. Rayden picked out the designs she wanted to help with, then they started the process of gutting out the pumpkins. Last year she wouldn't even touch the pumpkin guts, this year was a bit different. She first touched them with her hand and promptly pulled her hand away and said "ewwwwww!" She let daddy have at it for awhile, then decided she could do it with a spoon just fine. She kept touching it and would just say "sliiiiimy." She helped Daddy carve her pumpkin for a little while but soon got bored and walked away, leaving Jeff to gut and carve the others by himself. So this year went a little better, maybe next year she will be gung ho....we'll see.
So these were the finished pumpkins! Rayden picked out a silly face for hers, Parker's big one was Dracula and his little one just said BOO! Rayden loved the pumpkins and wanted us to light them so she could blow out the candles, then re-light them, then blow them out get the picture! We think they turned out pretty good this year.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Harvest Festival
This past weekend we headed out to the Harvest Festival. This year everyone came! Papa, Grandma, Alan, Becca, Nicco, Jason and Jordan. We all had so much fun together. We got there when they opened at 10:00 and stayed there unitl about 1:00. The kids did pretty much everything there was to do there and enjoyed every minute of it. Rayden and Parker were so tired afterwards! Rayden is already saying she cannot wait until next year, Parker will have more fun then too!
Pony Rides
Pony rides!! Rayden was oh so so excited about this. She ran right over to the ponies first thing after we got there. This year she rode a pony named Derby. She was all smiles the whole time and after the ride was over she wanted to go again. We went to go do other things first but she did get to come back and ride the ponies again before leaving for the day. Nicco rode the ponies as well and loved it, Jason tried to get Jordan on one of the ponies and he started crying...he wanted nothing to do with it!
Sunflower Maze
For the smaller kids they had a Sunflower Maze. The kids all had fun running around in there and playing, it was easy to keep an eye on them because it was so small. There was a big corn maze there too that Nicco, Rayden and Papa went into, but I didn't go in and get pictures. Jordan had a good time in here running away from his Daddy and trying to hide and play peek-a-boo. Rayden wanted to smell all of the flowers, but they had all died already.
Face Painting
Rayden was excited about getting her face painted again this year, she remembered doing it last year and she just loves getting her face painted. She walked in there knowing she wanted a witch but had to wait for a bit until someone who could do a witch came back, and the lady who did it was even wearing a witch hat. Nicco got a spider web on his forehead with the spider dropping down onto his nose.
Fruit Loop Craft
After getting their faces painted, Rayden and Nicco decided they wanted to make Fruit Loop necklaces. It was an easy craft for them to do, just slip some cereal on some Halloween colored yarn, tie and you are done. Made for a nice snack while we were there too!
Wagon Ride
We all hopped on a wagon for a ride around the farm. Last year they told some of the history of the farm, this year there wasn't much talking going on, but it was a nice ride. The kids enjoyed the ride and watched everything pass along the way. Rayden liked the sound of the horses and Parker liked being out of his stroller for a bit!
Playing in the Hay
There was a humongous hay mountain set up for the kids to play on and I think this was one of the favorites, they played on it for a long time. They had fun climbing up it then sliding down, throwing hay, jumping and making big piles. The three of them were just covered in hay afterwards and we were picking it off of them for the rest of the day!
Pumpkin Dunking
The kids had the chance to dunk a pumpkin! Nicco was a good shot and dunked the pumpkin two out of three times and Rayden did pretty good and dunked the pumpkin once. Kids get a piece of candy for each time they dunk the pumpkin, Rayden and Nicco picked out suckers that made their tongue turn blue and they sat down and enjoyed them together.