Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our Project

So we have seriously been needing to remodel the bathroom, it was just horrible before. Well my parents went to the coast for my mom's birthday/anniversary and they took Rayden with them for the trip. So while she was gone, we demolished the bathroom and completely re-did it. It was a ton of work, mostly for Jeff but I did help too! So this is what it ended up looking like. It is sooooo much nicer in there than before, and seems bigger too. We talked to Rayden on the phone and she is excited to come back and see it. This would have been a pain to do with Ray here, but we will sure be happy to have her back!

A Day at Lithia Park

Last weekend we took the kids to Lithia Park in Ashland for the day. I don't think that I have been there since I was in years ago! It was a gorgeous day out and we had such a nice day in the park. Of course we had to stop at the playground for Rayden to play, and Parker even joined in on the swinging action for a bit. It never lasts long with him though, he doesn't care for it too much yet. Rayden wanted to feed the ducks that are always there, but that day they were nowhere to be found, but she had fun without that. We walked around and looked at some shops, ate a nice lunch and pretty much just relaxed and enjoyed the day.

Rayden at Lithia Park

It was such a beautiful day at Lithia Park!! Rayden had a great time playing on the playground, playing in the water, going for walks and climbing on all these rocks! She was great and let me take her picture by the water and stuff while she played, but she soon got tired of it and stopped cooperating :)

Parker at Lithia Park

Parker had a nice day at the park. He went in the swings for a bit, rode around in his stroller a lot, tested out the water and sat on the grass. He loved sitting in the grass and pulling it all out. Obviously grass doesn't bother him like it bothered Rayden.

The Water

There is a spot that the kids can play in the water at Lithia Park. It is sooooo cold!! Ray just wanted to stand on Papa's feet at first, but that didn't last long.....she was off! She had a blast in there and was just soaked when she came out finally. Parker on the other hand HATED it! I put his little feet in the water and within seconds he was crying!

Another Park

Yeah...Rayden is in love with parks this summer. This is another new one that we went to recently over by my mom's house. She loved the Merry Go Round at this park and the chains that you can walk across.

New Smile

This is Parker's new smile! He sticks his tongue out every time.....pretty cute!


Parker's lovely orange face after eating his dinner of Beef Stew. He sure did love it though!


Parker always rolls himself onto his side to sleep now, I guess this is the best he could do in the little swing being all wrapped up. Sure looks uncomfortable....


Ray found some headbands and put them on a really weird way.....she ended up looking like a goofball, and of course we got pictures :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July

The Guys Talking
Grandma Becky and Parker
Cute Rayna
Handsome Jordan
The Girls Playing
Handsome Brady
Grandma Becky and Parker
Brady and Jordan Playing

We celebrated 4th of July this year by having everyone over for a BBQ! We do not do things at our house much because it isn't very big, but it was nice for a change to have people over, in all there were 18 of us! We had a great time together. We had a BBQ of stuffed porkchops, (mmmmmm!) grilled corn, twice baked potatoes and some salads. The kids all had a blast playing together inside and out while all of us grown-ups enjoyed talking together. We were so glad that Bryan, Renee and kids and also Larry and Becky made the trip join us and my family. Thanks for coming over everyone!!!!

More 4th of July

After the BBQ a few of us headed out to go watch the fireworks....away from ALL of the people though :) Rayden liked watching them, but actually liked the smaller ones that other people were doing better than the big ones. Oh and she had her fingernails and toenails painted red, white and blue for the occasion :) What a long, but fun day!